As long as there’s still gym’s around, there'll be people telling you what you should do, and how often you should do it. But what works for one person, might not be the same thing that would work for another person. For this article I will cover the basics of how many times the average person should be working out each week...
This topic has become more and more talked about in health and fitness lately. You’ll hear one side of the story saying that 6 meals per day is the magic number, yet the other side will say that 3-4 meals is just fine… so which is it?? Lets find out...
Today i’ll be covering 10 of the most common reasons people can’t seem to shed those unwanted pounds, even though they feel as though they should be. Lots of times, people come up with some pretty crazy reasons (excuses) as to why they personally can’t lose weight, but here are my top 10...
Today’s article will be less like a standard article of mine, and more like a list. A list of simple food swaps that can help you reduce the number of calories you ingest daily and therefore help you in your weight loss journey...
As a trainer I see it every single day, someone judging the quality of their workouts by how sore they are the following 1-2 days. Often times, if they are not sore from a workout they feel like they didn’t accomplish anything or that it wasn’t an effective workout at all! But this couldn’t be further from the truth...
It goes without saying that people with different goals should be training with different methods. Someone who only wants to gain muscle should not be doing strictly cardio 5-6 days per week, and someone who’s main goal is to lose fat shouldn’t be only lifting heavy weight 5-6 days per week...
In the ever changing and confusing world of supplements, there are now more options than ever, and each claims to be the best! However, “best” is a relative term and really depends on the individual...
The world of supplements is a massively huge, crazy, confusing, expensive thing. Its safe to say that almost every single person who exercises has taken some kind of supplement at one point in their life. The fitness world makes us think we need them...
I’m not usually one who buys into the hype of secrets and hints/tips/cheats, but these are all 100% true and work 100% of the time. The first and best kept secret is to...
Have you ever noticed that the things you’re prepared for in life are a heck of a lot easier to get through than the things you aren’t prepared for? For example, exams, family parties, holidays, interviews, relationships, etc… virtually everything is better when its planned out ahead of time...
Oh boy here we go… one of the most talked about yet most misunderstood topics in all of health and nutrition… the illustrious and illusive abs! How many times have you seen articles and ads telling you how you can have an amazing 6-pack? Hundreds if not thousands. And how many of those articles and ads are telling you different things about how to get them? Almost all of them! Truth is...
You’ve heard it said over and over again, “exercise is only half of the equation, diet and nutrition is just as important, if not more-so.” But nutrition covers such a wide variety of sub-topics, it would be impossible to cover it all in one small newsletter. For the sake of today’s article, I am going to talk about the importance of meal timing, more specifically before and after you workout.
Throughout the past 15 years i’ve undoubtedly made hundreds or even thousands of mistakes. We all make mistakes every single day, and as long as we learn from them that is absolutely acceptable. Today I am going to talk to you about the biggest mistake I ever made, and hopefully help you learn from my own experience. There are so many ways you can go wrong with your diet and exercise! You could be doing a no carb diet, neglecting weight training and strictly doing cardio, exercising every day but not paying attention to diet, believing in miracle pills and wasting your money, not getting enough sleep, etc… But if theres ONE big mistake i’ve made that I want to make sure you all don’t make, its that...
The other day I was flipping through a fitness magazine and thinking to myself, “Man, I wish I looked like that guy, and that guy too… AND this guy!” We’ve all had that ideal physique that we strive for, and often time see it in magazine photoshoots. These images portray people with shredded abs, defined muscles everywhere you look, tan, smiling, and probably wearing too little clothing to really be working out in a gym. Well hate to break it to you guys, but 99% of the time these people don’t even come close to looking like that! And here’s what I mean…
I’ve had many people ask me over the years about what the BEST exercises are. And quite honestly, thats a very hard question to answer. Throughout my week I usually do about 40 different exercises hitting every single muscle group in the body, and they’re ALL great exercises! If by BEST someone were to mean most efficient, then thats a different question which can be answered a little easier. Read on to find out...
Up until now, the articles I have written have been mostly for those individuals who already know their way around a gym. However, not everyone has been working out regularly and many people are just starting to workout or are curious about getting started but don’t really know where to start. This article is geared toward those people...
Back from our opening in April of 2012 we sure have come a long way and for that we are extremely grateful. We want to thank you all for being a part of Fitness Fusion and look forward to a very rewarding 2015. Let's talk about 2014 and some of the highlights...
Looking for some quick tips for the New Year to get you started on your health and fitness goals? We have 20 great tips to get you started...
Love it or hate it, grocery shopping is something we all have to do. In today's article, I'll lay out some easy to follow guidelines to help with your overall shopping experience and how to keep it healthy!
So you’ve started a new workout program and diet, everything is going great and you’re feeling fan-freaking-tastic that you’ve been good alllll week long… until your friends ask you to go out to get dinner and drinks with them on a Saturday night… UH OH! What now? I can’t cheat, can I?