
Thanksgiving Fitness Strategies

My clients have been asking for tips of how to get through a holiday without blowing all the hard work that they do both in and out of the gym. Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and a major eating holiday. How do I get through it without gaining weight but still enjoy all the yummy food?  Well, here are some good tips...


Coffee - Friend or Foe?


Coffee - Friend or Foe?

“Ahhhhh” the sound we all make after taking our first sip of morning coffee. One sip becomes one cup, one cup becomes two, and for some people two cups becomes over one full pot of coffee… in ONE day! As a nation we love it, thats clear. But what is the deal with coffee?


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Quick Tips For Back Pain Management

Why do you have back pain and why don't you do anything about it?

It is really difficult as a personal trainer to see all sorts of people have so much back pain and then also see them do nothing about it.  Back pain is a leading cause of discomfort and usually can be fixed with some simple and consistent steps...

1 Comment


Are You Being a Workout Bouncer?

Being a workout bouncer means literally "bouncing" and being INCONSISTENT with things, like your nutrition or your workout program, for instance.  Here are 5 things you should do instead and the reasons why...  



Personal Trainer or Friend?

Like any good service you need to make sure that you are getting what you pay for.  Your personal trainer may be a great person and now a good friend but the bottom line is that you are paying them for a service.  Make sure you are getting results and not getting too caught up in the relationship...  


Fitness Answers... Well, It Depends


Fitness Answers... Well, It Depends

Take a minute and think about anything that usually has a straight answer.  The first thing that comes to my mind is tests in high school.  Why does high school tests come to me?  In my opinion, high school was easy.  The answer was usually in front of you.  Whether it is a math problem or a history question, you usually had the answer, the only answer.  It was either right or wrong, period. 

In health, fitness and nutrition, it is the complete opposite.  There is so much information out there how do you find the right answer.  Well, the answer is that IT DEPENDS.  I know people want those quick answers, the quick fix.  Please just tell me what to do, give me the steps and the tools to do it and let's get this show on the road.  Right?  

I want to get ripped and toned up do I do it?  Well, IT DEPENDS.  

I want to lose weight and feel great.  Should I do the Paleo diet, South Beach diet?  Well, IT DEPENDS.  

All people are different, bodies are different, schedules are different, minds are different, goals are different, and interpretations are different.  Above all, there is no quick fix and not one CORRECT WAY to do things.  IT JUST ALL DEPENDS.  



How Do You Know if You’ve Got a Good Personal Trainer?


How Do You Know if You’ve Got a Good Personal Trainer?

Whether you live in the Northampton, MA area or sunny California, whether your male or female, young or "vintage"... When it comes to personal training (and gyms, fitness and exercise), there’s no one-size fits all. Like any good business relationship, for personal training to work, you need three key ingredients.



Memorial Day 10 X 10 FUSE Workout

If you are like myself, then you are very excited about the time off this coming weekend to celebrate Memorial Day.  Let's hope for some good weather around the Northampton, Ma area over the weekend so we can have some fun with family and friends.  However,  to make sure you are reaching your fitness goals over the weekend, here is a great workout to help you off set those burger and beers!  


Outdoor Fitness Around Northampton, Ma


Outdoor Fitness Around Northampton, Ma


Compliment Your Gym Workout By Engaging In Outdoor Activities Around Northampton, Ma This Summer.


Finally!  The weather has turned and we can now officially say that it is time to head outdoors and spend some good quality time enjoying the beautiful flowers blooming and our surroundings around the great city of Northampton, Ma.  Along with your current fitness workout routine at the gym, complimenting a nice outdoor activity can yield some nice results and keep you fit for the summer.  Here are some things to check out this spring and summer around the Northampton, Ma area.  

Trails Around Northampton, Ma. For Running, Biking Or Hiking

There are several hiking trails around the area.  A couple of the popular ones include Norwottuck Trail.  The Norwottuck Rail Trail is a 9.5 mile combination bicycle/pedestrian paved right of way running from Northampton, Massachusetts through Hadley and Amherst, to Belchertown, Massachusetts that opened in 1992.   You can find some information here as well as a trail map at this link.  Look  Park in Northampton offers a wide range of activities that you could do either by yourself or with the family.  See a list of activities to do here.  Fitzgeral Lake Recreational area is a good place to visit with many outdoor activities including hiking, canoeing, and fishing.  You can visit an informational page here  and you can look at the trial map along with other information located at this link.  Skinner State Park in Amherst, Ma is also a great place to hike especially if you want some challenging trails.  Located on more than 400 acres, there are 20 picnic sites on the grounds, many with fine views and charcoal grills.  For information on Skinnner State Park, you can click here

Track Workouts Near Northampton, Ma

Looking for a quick track workout in the area?  You can visit 3 tracks that are usually open to the public.  The outdoor track at Smith College in Northampton, Ma is a great place to run along with the cross country trails that can be accessed right off of the track.  The trails offer 5K races and are a great leisurely run or walk on a nice day.   The track at Smith College is being redone this spring so check the availability before heading down there.  Smith also has an indoor track as well.  My guess is that you may need to contract someone to use the track at certain hours but it is open to the public as well.   The Williston Northampton School in Easthampton offers a track as well.  You may want to check in on the availability of the track by calling the Williston athletic facilities at (413) 529-3247.  Lastly, Northampton High School has a track that you can use for some workouts.  

General Outdoor Activities In & Around Northampton, Ma

Sugarloaf Mountain Athletic Club ( SMAC) has some great events, workouts, 5K race series and activities going on that you may be interested in checking out.  Throughout the spring and summer, many personal trainers in the Northampton, Ma area will hold boot camps at local parks.  They are usually reasonably priced and a good 1/2 hour workout.  Fitness Fusion in Easthampton offers a hospital hill workout in Northampton, Ma that incorporates cardio, bodyweight and medicine ball exercises for a great conditioning workout.  You can search google or Facebook for some personal trainers who may be offering boot camp style outdoor workouts.  Have a disability or know someone who does?  There is a great website called alloutadventure that offer a wide range of activities for people of ALL abilities.  Check the website out here

I hope you enjoyed and utilize some of the great suggestions to get outdoors and workout this summer.  Working out and fitness in general can be really fun and rewarding, can build confidence, and ultimately and most importantly, help you live a healthy happy life.  See you around the Northampton, Ma area and enjoy getting exercise outdoors!






Workout Program Design Doesn't Hold A Candle To Nutrition

Have you been working out for 6 months or more?  Have you got results that you are happy with but just don't feel like you have got much further in the last month or two?  Do you feel stronger but your body doesn't look any different?  These are all great questions to be asking yourself and you deserve an answer. 

So many people feel that their workouts are what is going to get them to the next level, which indeed is true.  However, I can tell from experience within myself and training 100's of clients that program design does not hold a candle to nutrition.  In other words, it doesn't matter how good your program design is.  If it is not being followed up with a good solid nutrition plan full of protein, good carbs and good fats then eventually, you are hitting a wall that is going to be hard to climb over.  

I talk to so many people that jump from one workout program to the next, thinking that the next program is the magic formula.  There are so many good workout programs out there and most of them work.  The key to success with them is following up with a good nutrition plan to complement it.  

A few pointers to think about with your nutrition that I come across with clients.  If any of these questions or pointers sound like you than reach out to your trainer and tackle these issues head on instead of wondering or assuming you are doing the right or wrong things.

1.  Do you "think" you eat right?  How do you know?  What are you eating, how much are you eating, what macronutrient percentages are you having, and when are you eating.  These are all key questions that you should have the answers for.  

2.  Are you eating enough?  Many people think the answer is eating less.  I mean, it makes sense, right?  Eat less and lose more weight.  The problem here is that you body needs specific nutrients in order for every day functions to take place so by not eating enough food to support this, you may in fact be having the opposite effects on your body.  A good example is people eating less than 1,500 calories on a workout day.  For 90% of people, this is too low.  

3.  I ate pretty healthy this week.....minus the cheat weekend and going out with friends on Thursday night.  Of course we like to go out, have fun and put back a few drinks or some yummy appetizers.  This is completely normal and if you enjoy doing this then you should.  However, you must do it in moderation and plan accordingly.  How about taking a run before you go out?  This would offset some of the calories and kickstart your metabolism.  The bottom line here is this.  If you are trying to lose weight and want top notch results, something has to give.  So, decide what is more important, that extra couple french fries or vodka drinks or a well defined body that you are proud of.  I can tell you this, you can't have both.  However, that still doesn't mean you can't have fun, go out with friends and still be dedicated to your fitness results.  You just need a little more planning and discipline.  Find the balance and don't set unrealistic expectations for fitness if you always find yourself engaging in this behavior, you will find yourself disappointed with the inconsistency in your diet and results.  

4.  I am too busy.  Yup!  I hear ya  and so doesn't everyone else.  Being too busy comes down to 2 things and I apologize for being harsh here.  Number one, you are either bad at planning and/or time management OR number two, you are not taking action and making excuses.  Everyone is busy, period.  Life is busy.  If you are serious about results in the gym you need to make time to shop for groceries, prepare meals, and eat a well balanced diet.  This does not need to consume your life.  In fact, it can make it easier.  A well planned week can take a lot of stress away from your morning routine of getting to work on time.  All it takes is about an hour to shop and then whatever time it takes you to prepare your food.  Some may do this once a week, twice a week or maybe every night.  It all depends what works for you.  Bottom line is that it does not need to be difficult, it can actually help you!  

Nutrition is the key to that sculpted body you want.  If you feel you are not getting the results you want, something is missing.  Don't let weeks, months or even a year go by without trying to find out the problem.  Most of the time it is easily solved by just tweaking a few things.  Put in the extra effort  and reach out if you are serious about your fitness, it will go a long way and keep you from getting frustrated or sidetracked.  




Is Your Personal Trainer A Scaredy Cat?

A "scaredy cat" is someone who by definition is excessively fearful, easily frightened, or a needlessly scareful person.  If you research the definition a little further, a scaredy cat is someone who has a fear and seems to be AWARE of being fearful of that particular person, place or thing.

So my question to either you as a personal trainer or a personal training client who may be reading this post is do you think you or your personal trainer is a scaredy cat? As a personal trainer, do you even recognize that you may be a scaredy cat? Let me explain......

I see many personal trainers in the industry around the Easthampton, Ma area who shy away from getting to the bottom of why their clients may not be getting results.  How do I know this? Because I speak with them.  I don't see other personal trainers as competition, I see them as a resource to make me better.  Maybe a conversation with them teaches me a good lesson or maybe just the competition against them fires me up.   Some personal trainers are new to the industry and that is certainly okay.  We all have to start somewhere and new trainers can be really good.  They are excited, passionate, and are new to the field who come right out of the gate with new ideas and energy for their clients.   The scaredy cats I am talking about are the ones that avoid the reasons why their clients are not getting results.  

A couple good examples I can come up with are ( 1 ) lack of results or plateaued fitness levels due to workout design  ( 2 ) Lack of results due to poor nutrition advice or guidance and ( 3 ) lack of results b/c of not holding their clients accountable.  Let's start with Number 1...

Lack of results or Plateau due to workout design  I am going to give up a little secret to all the clients out there that may piss a couple trainers off.  Getting clients results in the first 30 days is easy, it's effortless.  All you need to do is one of 2 things.  Either get them eating healthier or work them out more than they have before they started with you.  That's it.  After 30 days or so is when the real work begins and trainers get scared.  After 30 days you should start keeping some track of results, either in your head if you have a good memory or better yet in a journal.  This way you can track what you are doing and adjust when you are not seeing results or a plateau hits.  Plateaus happen, it's part of training but you must know how to adjust and get around them.  By not keeping a journal it is easy to make up reasons why your not seeing results.  The first step to becoming a better personal trainer and stop being scared if your clients don't see results is to find a way to measure what they are doing and why.  If you never come up with a customized plan for your clients, record workout data and analyzing it time to time, then how are you going to grow as a trainer and do better.  Don't be scared of lack of results for your clients.  If you try your best and give 100% effort, you will learn and soon be a great trainer.  Furthermore, your clients will recognize your efforts and stay with you for the long haul. So, if you are a client ask yourself if you have a scaredy cat trainer. If you are a personal trainer, are you scared of lack of results with your clients and what to tell them? How to adjust their plan?  Don't be, it is all part of the learning and growing process.  

Number 2.....Lack of results due to poor nutrition advice or guidance.  The number one thing a personal trainer should know is that nutrition is the key to results.  Bottom line is that you may get stronger and maybe have better balance or be faster.  But, you will stop losing weight, decreasing body fat or looking better in the mirror at some point if your nutrition is not a top priority.  Is your personal trainer speaking with you about nutrition?  If you are a personal trainer, do you talk to your clients about what they are eating, take girth measurements and/or body fat? Do your clients weight themselves every couple weeks to see what is happening?  The bottom line again comes back to the point of having some sort of tracking system.  Some personal trainers are scared of taking a measurement b/c of the fear that the next time they take them they may be worse off then when they started.  Others may be fearful of talking about nutrition b/c of lack of knowledge.  This is okay.  Learn how to take measurements, figure out how to adjust minor things in diet and workouts to get positive results.  You can always refer out nutrition if it is an area that may be too advanced for you to dive into.  This is all good and part of the process.  You are never going to know everything so part of you growing is knowing when something is out of your scope of work.  Don't be fearful of negative results for you clients.  The only way to get better as a trainer is if you're faced with situations with your clients that challenges you to figure out how to deliver better results.  

Number three......lack of results b/c of not holding their clients accountable.  Have you been faced with a situation with any of your clients that they are just not doing what you are saying?  Maybe they travel multiple days during the week and they always have that excuse of they were out of town and did not workout when they finally arrive back and have a session with you. Maybe they constantly say they are going to do things and do not.  Do you have a client that never misses a session but doesn't see results week after week but they keep coming to you anyway?  These are all situations that you need to step up and ask the hard questions.  Traveling for work is no excuse.  There is always a gym in the hotel and/or a workout to do based on cardio and bodyweight.  Start facing this scenario head on and not accepting this silly traveling excuse.  It's no different than when you are at home.  Take the time and workout.  It is your job as a trainer to set a plan in place so this gets done.  Clients who constantly say they are going to do something and then do nothing are either lazy or over analyzers.  Do you have any clients who write down the plan and then never put it into action? Do you keep giving them great handouts or advice and it doesn't get implemented? This is frustrating and happens all the time.  You need to ask these clients the tough questions of why they did not get it done.  Most of the time with these types of clients it is that you are giving them too much.  They have busy lives and by shoveling a bunch of new information and tasks to complete, they are overwhelmed and don't know where to start so they do nothing.  Start with one thing, once they have that down then proceed with the next.  The worst thing you can do is be scared of that tough conversation and keep going with the same plan that didn't work in the first place.  A different scenario is your client attending sessions consistently but always seeming to stay at the same fitness level, bodyweight, or bodyfat. These clients are most likely not doing the right things out of the gym.  You need to figure out what that is.  Is it bad eating habits, lack of workouts while they are not doing 1-1 personal training with you, poor sleep, hormonal. I can't tell you how many times I hear the words I EAT HEALTHY.  Okay then, what do you eat? This response will open up your eyes or better yet have them write a food journal for 3-4 days.  These are all questions you need to ask. Remember, you don't need to know everything.  You will find out and/or be able to get them to someone who does.  Furthermore, you will learn and know how to deal with it better the next time.   

I know I was a scaredy cat when I first started but I also knew that I wanted to be a great trainer. Every question or problem I had with a client I researched or reached out to people with more experience or expertise in that area.  Don't be scared of simply saying....." ya know, I am not sure about that but I will certainly find out."  There is nothing wrong with an honest approach.  Your clients will appreciate the efforts you put in, not the efforts you don't.  Those non efforts of those of a scaredy cat.  









Food Label Nutrition... Quick Tips

I can't tell you how many times I have heard people say, "It's good for you. The label says low fat and there are only 100 calories."  In fact, I hear this repeatedly from someone very close to me (I won't call them out in this post). But I will say that it drives me nuts.

Stop just looking at calories and grams of fat.

The label is a good way to get familiar with whether certain foods are good from a nutritional standpoint, but it doesn't tell the whole story.  

Let's talk about calories.  

Do you think that 500 calories from eating a couple snickers bars is the same as 500 calories from several huge whopping servings of vegetables? Okay good, I think you get the point then. The takeaway from this is that you need to look at MORE than just calorie count. Nutritional value matters. 

Fats are not all bad.  

In fact, fats are a critical part of a healthy diet. Fat has gotten a bad rep, but the truth is, 25-30% of your diet should come from "good fats."  Good fats are fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, along with some saturated as well.  You should be balancing your fat intake with about 1/3 of each of these 3 kinds of fat.  Trans fat and also hydrogenated fats (fats infused with hydrogen which is used to prolong the shelf life of the food they are in) are bad, so they should be avoided.

The best fats are those that are naturally occurring in nature and not processed. Also, while it's fine to use oils extracted from plants (e.g. olive oil, coconut oil) as long as they are "unrefined" (e.g. whole coconut oil, or extra-virgin, cold-pressed coconut oil), it's generally healthier to get these fats by eating the whole food where it comes from (e.g. olives and coconut). Other great naturally occurring fat sources include avocados, fish, nuts, seeds, and meat or eggs from grass-fed, free-range animals.

Carbohydrates are needed as well for a healthy diet.  

Yes, if you are overweight then you should be eating less carbohydrates, especially processed foods. But, it's okay to eat controlled portions of some good starchy carbs. The best bet for the "starchy" carbs is be to eat them around your workouts (when your body will burn through them best). Non-starchy carbs coming from vegetables and fruits are good to eat anytime. Load up on the veggies for sure:  5-7 servings of vegetables and 2-3 servings of fruit per day, is a good place to start.  

Going to extremes... Is it worth it?

Can you lose weight quickly by giving up carbs?  Yes, but that is not a long term fix and will affect you later in your nutrition journey.  Good nutrition is a lifestyle, not a 12-week eating plan. Taking out sodium and/or dairy can have a similar effect: When you drop them out of your diet completely, you typically will see quick weight loss (most of the time). But in my opinion, this a bad route to go and always leads to weight gain later. 

Sugar is sweet and so are you.

Avoid foods that have synonyms for sugar in the ingredient list.  These include sucrose, fructose, glucose, maltose, dextrose, maltodextrin, hydrolyzed starch, CORN SYRUP is a big one, honey, cane sugar, agave nectar, sugar beets, high fructose sweetener, maple sugar, and molasses. Try to avoid the above ingredients and stay below 5 grams of sugar per 100 grams of food. Even some frozen fruit, bread, dressings, sauces (and more) contain sugar content that's a lot higher than you may expect, so be good about reading the label and ingredients critically.  


When looking on the label, don't just look for low calories, low fat, low sugar, low sodium, etc. Instead, get familiar with the ingredients below the nutritional data.  Anything that contains a long list of ingredients is probably a good bet to take a pass on.  Also, you should be suspicious of any foods that make health claims on the package such as: "added vitamins and minerals", "wholesome or healthy", "no added sugar", "contains real fruit", "natural", "fat free", "low carb", "high protein." These are probably wise to stay away from as well.  

Stay on the right path!

At the grocery story, this generally means staying out of the center aisles (yes, I realize they make up most of the store). Instead, follow the perimeter, stopping at the fruits and vegetables, lean meats, whole grains and occasionally visiting the aisle for an item like olive oil.  It's easy to get sidetracked, so be strong! And when you venture to the center aisles (the belly of the beast!) keep focused on the item on your grocery list and not the glitz and glamour of the unhealthy food that is trying to entice you along the way. 

As always, if you have any questions, leave a comment and I would be happy to get back to you.  







Give Your Workouts & Nutrition a Big KISS!

First off, a quick story as to where and how this post idea was originated........ A client of mine who also goes to planet fitness in West Springfield, Ma for their superb expertise and dedication to results......HA! NOT! Okay, I am kidding here but seriously they do go to Planet Fitness to use the equipment and they meet with myself for 1-1 personal training.

Anyway, they were telling me a little story about them trying to use the CORE room at Planet Fitness in West Springfield and there was a couple in there hugging and giving each other occasional kisses.  The woman was also playing with her hair and they were standing around. I mean, planet fitness is a totally rad gym so this makes sense.  HA! NOT!, kidding again. Sorry, hard to resist.  My client was frustrated b/c they were taking up space and just groping each other instead of working out.  I found this to be hilarious and that is where the idea to write about KISS came about.  Only at Planet Fitness......where apparently you can workout and get some SWEET ACTION at the same time. No wonder why so many people go there! 

So on with some useful information here........

I am sure you have heard of the expression KISS.  In case you haven't, it stands for Keep It Simple Stupid.  Many people over complicate their workouts and their nutrition so much that they have a hard time getting to the next level in their fitness or making it over that 1st plateau.  When you are first beginning to workout in the first month or so from being sedentary, the truth is that no matter what you do, if you add a workout 3-4 times each week, you are going to see positive results.  It is simple math....more calories out than calories in and you lose weight so by adding that workout, bam!.....your burning calories, feeling good and that's fantastic!

I am now going to talk about the second step( which could technically be your first step alongside your exercise routine) in order to get to that next level.......NUTRITION. When I say nutrition I mean simple general steps to see some good results.  I am not going to talk about the 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th.... just the second.  See the second step to keep seeing those results is still very simple and quite general for most.  It is when you really want to start getting BIG results and hitting BIG goals when you really need to fine tune your nutrition and workouts.  Too many people look at those later steps when they should be focusing on where they are now.  As you know, fitness and a healthy lifestyle is just that, a lifestyle, so don't go full throttle and burn your motor out. Take your time and follow some simple steps below.  When your ready and fully committed, then we will fine tune your engine.  

Here are some simple steps to take in order to keep those results in your fitness routine rocking and rolling.  KISS away! 

1.  Deciding Who You Are: 

Now this may sound complicated.  How do I decide who I am?  It took me nearly 30 years to figure that out and I am still not sure who the heck I am or what my life purpose is.  Well, if you haven't figured that out, I totally hear ya, but that's another topic for another day.  For now, we are going to stick to who you are in terms of the type of body and physical appearance you have.  There are 3 main types you should choose from...... Ectomorphic, Mesomorphic, and Endomorphic.  Ectomorphic body types have a fast metabolic rate and a higher carbohydrate tolerance.  People who are ectomorphic tend to be skinny, maybe tall and have a hard time putting on muscle.  Generally speaking this type should have about 25% of nutrition come from protein, 55% from carbs, and 20% from fat.  Mesomorphic type are your naturally muscular and athletic type. They have a moderate carbohydrate tolerance and are usually the ones that can see quick results in the gym in terms of lifting weight.  These guys or gals usually look good...... lucky for them, jerks! Recommended ratio splits for this type is 30% protein, 40% carbs, and 30% fat.  The last type is Endormorphic which means you are naturally broad and thick, sometimes overweight.  These types have a slow metabolic rate and low carbohydrate tolerance.  They usually need to lose body fat in the abdominal and central region.  Ratio splits for this type is about 35% protein, 25% carbs( low) and 40% fat.  

I am not going to go over what is a good fat, bad fat, good carb, bad carb. If you do not know this, do some research or ask a professional to touch on this for you. Eating the right kinds of macro-nutrients is crucial to your success so make sure you understand the 3 basic types (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) and the differences in the quality that you are eating.  Furthermore, everyone's bodies respond differently to nutrition and we are speaking in general terms here.  Along the way, you should also be using some trial and error as you get into your program to make adjustments.  As of now......KISS baby, KISS. 

2.  Calculating Your General Calorie Range

I am going to keep this simple here, remember, KISS  .Follow this chart taken directly from a book by Precision Nutrition called " The Essentials of Sport & Exercise Nutrition by John Berardi and Ryan Andrews. Keep in mind a calorie range is just a starting point and can and usually will be adjusted as you see what results take place. In order for this to work, you must be consistent and track what you have been doing. How are you going to........... 1. See if you are getting results? 2. Adjust what you are doing ..........if you don't know exactly what you have been doing and haven't been tracking it. 

Calorie Estimator.jpg

3.  Follow These 5 Habits

Habit # 1 : Eat slowly and stop at 80% full

Habit #2 : Eat protein dense foods with each meal

Habit #3 : Eat vegetables with each meal

Habit #4 : For fat loss, eat majority of other carbs after or around exercise

Habit #5 : Eat healthy fats only

4. Eat 2 Types of Meals 

Post Workout Meal.jpg

5.  Eat Your Superfoods

Superfoods are foods that are high in nutrients and energy controlled.  I have categorized them here for you for simplicity......

Proteins: lean meat( grass fed preferred), salmon, eggs( omega-3 and cage free preferred), plain greek yogurt, cottage cheese, coconut milk, protein supplements( whey)

Vegetables & Fruits: Spinach, Kale, Tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, mixed berries, oranges

Other Carbohydrates: Mixed beans, quinoa, whole oats

Good Fats: raw & unsalted mixed nuts, avocados, extra virgin olive oil, fish oil( or algae oil), flax seeds( ground)

Drinks : green tea, liquid exercise drinks( with BCAA's), greens( vegetable concentrate) 

**Don't forget to drink about 1/2 your bodyweight in ounces for your water intake each day. Maybe more depending on activity level.  

 Now, there are obviously numerous other kinds of delicious healthy foods out there but this is a general list to get you started. 

So, in planning your meals, make sure you shop each week, plan out your days for the week so you are prepared and set aside some time to do prep work.  Understand that eating healthy does take some effort. If you are the type of person that gets overwhelmed, start with 1-2 things at a time to accomplish. Maybe it is simply going shopping the first week.  Once you have that down, then move on to another task and keep building on that.  Don't do too much, too soon and burn yourself out.  Remember, Rome was not built in a day.  

I am happy to help if you need me, just leave a comment.  Here's to KISSING!  














#1 Problem with Physical Therapy

Working as a physical therapist can be a rewarding experience.  After becoming a physical therapist, you have the opportunity to help people regain mobility and reclaim independence every single day.  You have the ability to change someone who may be uncomfortable in their current physical condition, maybe even in great pain.  In my opinion, this is such a fantastic service to be able to provide and extremely rewarding.  

Working as a personal trainer, I have encountered so many people who have come to me after going through a physical therapy program.  The main underlying problem I hear is that they are still in pain. Why, I ask.....why?  So, I start asking them questions and these are the responses that I hear most.  

One, my insurance would not cover my visits anymore so I stopped going.  After I hear this first response I then follow up with a second question.  How long did you go for?  I get answers across the board but the similarity between them all is that they did go for a good period of time ranging from 3 months- 1 year.  So, why aren't they any better?  I follow with another question. What did they have you doing at physical therapy?  The answer, usually very vague and not clear as to what they were actually doing.  So, for homework after our first session, I ask them to bring in their sheets from physical therapy and see what actual exercises they had them doing.  Our next session arrives and I check out these papers, usually all wrinkled with copies that have repeated pages in no real organization whatsoever.  I take a look and ask them to do a particular exercise in correct form.  Two things here, the first being that they don't know the name or how to demonstrate the exercise and two, if they do then it rarely is being done in the correct way to recruit the proper muscles or functional pattern.  

So, what is the disconnect here?  What is the main underlying problem of why people are not getting results through physical therapist?  The answer, ACCOUNTABILITY.

In order for accountability to work, 2 very crucial things must happen

1.  The physical therapist must be a good coach.  

2.  The patient must adhere to the program. 

You see, much like personal training, physical therapy sessions are done 1-3 times per week generally depending on the necessity of the program.  The problem here lies in the fact that they are not with their coaches the other days of the week.  Now if a patient is with you 1 day a week and by themselves 6 days, what is going to make them stick to the plan?  To be a good coach, you need to teach your clients properly and then follow up with a way to make your clients adhere to the program which brings me to my next point.  Without consistency and adherence to the program, a physical therapist( or coach) does not know if they need to adjust their program or not.  So in order for this to work both the coach and patient must be working on a team in order to accomplish the desired goals.  This requires effort and communication on both sides.  

Clients come to you for good reason.  They don't know how to fix or improve a particular problem or they have particular goals that they can't accomplish on their own.  I think that the problem with physical therapy is not that physical therapists don't know what they are doing but the fact that they show you exercises and things to improve your situation and then you go away with no real supervision or accountability until your next session.  Furthermore, I don't think enough time is spent during the session to discuss "how" and "why" they are doing a particular exercise and the reason they are doing it this way. I am not saying to go into an anatomy lesson here but just give some simple feedback in a way a client can understand.  The majority of people out there are going to fail because of the fact they don't remember how to do the exercise, don't do it properly b/c of lack of effort or knowledge, and/or just don't have enough motivation or time to get it done on their own.  The result.......little to no improvements. This is why people are failing at these minimal exercises that take 15-20 minutes a day to complete. 

Physical therapy, like personal training, needs an accountability system to check in or communicate with clients on a daily basis to make sure they are getting these exercises done.  Without that, adherence to a particular program is going to be sidetracked and no further improvements are going to be made for these patients.  The system does not need to be complicated and I am not going to go into how to implement these so-called systems.  Everyone has their own way of doing things, different styles,  and different ideas.  Choose whatever way works for you or your company and find a way to keep clients understanding, accountable, and on track.  


Why I Flipped for Personal Training


Why I Flipped for Personal Training

Fitness Fusion member, Christine Mark, reflects on how and why she came to truly appreciate personal training.

"I never thought of myself as the type of person who would ever work with a personal trainer. Why? Plain and simply, I had two views of what that world was like. Neither of which was appealing..."


Eating Lean: Step by Step


Eating Lean: Step by Step

Did you know that good nutrition is the most important thing to create fitness success?  You're body performs better when you put good fuel in it. In fact, most fitness roadblocks or "plateaus" are related to (poor) eating habits. Here's a story about one of our members and her exploration of lean eating. There's tips here that everyone can put into practice right away.


24 Hour Fitness Workout For Personal Trainers


24 Hour Fitness Workout For Personal Trainers

When people ask me how many times a week I workout my answer is well technically I am working out and training "personally" about an hour each day.  However, I really am thinking to myself... if these people only new what I do as a trainer, personally and for my business. 



Fitness Fusion Health Club In Easthampton.... Top 10 Problems

In the month of June before the start of our new boot camps at Fitness Fusion in Easthampton, I asked our members to come up with 10 problems for our health club in Easthampton that we could find solutions for. Below are the 10 problems that they came up with and I want to thank everyone for the great participation. One thing I would like everyone to start thinking about is this phrase..... 24 fitness. What does this mean? It means all day every day you should be thinking about how to live a healthy happier lifestyle. If you are one that is looking for results in our health club, you should be committed to 24 fitness. If you do something half way, you should expect half the results. So, going forward let's be honest with ourselves and really ask if we are giving it all we have in the boot camps and our exercise and nutrition outside of the health club.



Western Mass Fitness Center Offers P90x Workout

Fitness centers all around the Western Mass area are now offering p90x workouts. The very popular program known as p90X has grown so much that the company behind them, Beachbody, has now started a certification for anyone to become p90x certified.  Now gyms in the Northampton and the surrounding towns like Easthampton can offer p90x workouts by certified p90x trainers in order to get their members into great shape. Fitness Fusion in Easthampton, Ma has also had the opportunity to add this class to their schedule and has chosen to do it in another creative and results oriented way.  
